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Cambridge Street Development Part1


Rarely does a day go by without someone asking us, ‘what are you guys working on these days”.  It’s a lovely reminder that folks find the work interesting and ‘cool’, when some days it may feel like we are just swimming in drywall dust and cobwebs.

So we thought, why not just pull up a chair […]

By |February 2nd, 2025|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Cambridge Street Development Part1

Part 3 – Hiring a Designer

In Part 1, we looked at renovating or relocating. In Part 2, we decided to stay, but made a priority list of what we should renovate that would be not only fiscally responsible but best practise for your home. Now, we enter part 3; Why You Should Hire a Designer.

Do any of the following statements […]

By |May 18th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Part 3 – Hiring a Designer

To Renovate or Relocate?

Chances are, you bought your current home when you were in a different place in your life than you are now.  Maybe your marital status has changed, maybe the total number of people in your house has increased or decreased, or maybe you simply feel you are sick and tired of tripping over your bike […]

By |March 13th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on To Renovate or Relocate?

Organizing Your Home

It’s cold, it’s dark by 4, and the thermostat does not summon much enthusiasm for the outdoors.  What better time to start clearing out those over-stuffed closets and treacherous basements?

Often clients approach us to help with redesigning a basement or laundry room, but in fact aren’t really sure what their needs are.  Why? Because they […]

By |February 6th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Organizing Your Home

Winterizing Your Home

All across the Northern Hemisphere it has already started – from the Holiday decorations and markets to the adverts for shovels and winter tires. How did this happen? How did summer slip us by so quickly? How will we survive another six months of biting, relentless cold and shoveling and car-scraping? Well the short answer […]

By |October 28th, 2013|Home Maintenance, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Winterizing Your Home

The Homeowner’s Toolbox

 Buying or renting a new home is an exciting event, no matter how many times you do it. And no matter the extent the improvements or esthetic changes you intend to make, every homeowner should possess some basic, reliable tools in order to do so safely and effectively.
Before we get into the actual list […]

By |June 21st, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Homeowner’s Toolbox

Good Fences Make for Good Neighbours

For most of us, the snow and ice have finally melted which means, among other Spring and Summer delights, BBQ and patio season. If you are like us, nothing beats firing up the barbie and lounging over drinks and burgers under the glorious, long awaited sunshine. Now, if you are fortunate enough to […]

By |May 28th, 2013|landscape, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Good Fences Make for Good Neighbours


This weekend found me, not unusually, with paintbrush in hand, applying a very “Easter-y†shade of lavender to my daughter’s bedroom. In case anyone is keeping track, this would be the seven go-zillionth coat of paint I have applied to any surface.
Paint is an amazing medium for sprucing up almost anything: furniture, floors, walls, […]

By |April 29th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Paint!

The Flip

Ahhh, the flip…You’ve all heard of them, some of you may have seen them on television; a charming, attractive team of designers and builders snatch up a home for next to nothing, buys some kitchy-cute panelling at a vintage shop around the corner, refinishes a claw-foot tub, and voila!  A cool hundred G’s in their […]

By |January 11th, 2013|Flipping, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Flip


Welcome to the Main Renovations Blog!

We are so excited to bring this blog to you!  Whether you are conducting research on your own renovations or simply looking for some light reading with your morning coffee, this blog should provide you with some interesting facts on home-building and renovations, a few laughs and hopefully some fun […]

By |October 19th, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Welcome!